Chamäleon Berlin: Showdown

Chamäleon Berlin, Rosenthaler Straße 40-41, 10178 Berlin, Mitte

Tickets 2for1 When: Jan. 16 - 18, 2024

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The Games We Play- as part of the guest performance series Play

The artistic directors of Gandini Juggling are celebrating their 30th anniversary with something very special: Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala look back in The Games We Play on over 6000 performances around the world and a repertoire of over 30 productions and counting.

With The Games We Play, Sean and Kati invite you into their world of juggling and choreography, in a lecture that pretends to be a show (or is it a show that pretends to be a lecture?). It is a living self-portrait in which the two artists present themselves and their art of juggling with their incomparable alchemy.

Sean and Kati playfully explore the basics of juggling, an often underestimated art form. What is juggling? What can juggling be? And also: What is art? What can art be? Every Gandini Juggling production tries to answer questions like these in its own inimitable style - now Sean and Kati are on hand to answer them.

Duration: 50 minutes without intermission

Age recommendation: 12
Language: In English with German surtitles
Content note: The play contains scenes with nudity

"The Games We Play"


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 8:00 pm  
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 8:00 pm  
Thursday, January 18, 2024 20:00  


The Games We Play- as part of the guest performance series Play

The artistic directors of Gandini Juggling are celebrating their 30th anniversary with something very special: Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala look back in The Games We Play on over 6000 performances around the world and a repertoire of over 30 productions and counting.

With The Games We Play, Sean and Kati invite you into their world of juggling and choreography, in a lecture that pretends to be a show (or is it a show that pretends to be a lecture?). It is a living self-portrait in which the two artists present themselves and their art of juggling with their incomparable alchemy.

Sean and Kati playfully explore the basics of juggling, an often underestimated art form. What is juggling? What can juggling be? And also: What is art? What can art be? Every Gandini Juggling production tries to answer questions like these in its own inimitable style - now Sean and Kati are on hand to answer them.

Duration: 50 minutes without intermission

Age recommendation: 12
Language: In English with German surtitles
Content note: The play contains scenes with nudity

"The Games We Play"


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 8:00 pm  
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 8:00 pm  
Thursday, January 18, 2024 20:00  


Info: Chamäleon Berlin

Over the years, Chamäleon Berlin has established itself as an exciting home for the New Circus and stands for contemporary, innovative circus theater beyond the mainstream. Here, new perspectives on an exciting, vibrant art form are presented, and circus productions are shown that test boundaries, flout conventions, and create unique, touching stage experiences in the process.


13 Ratings
 Inga T. on 05/07/2022

Very friendly, very concerned about guest satisfaction, great program.

translated from german - show original
Sehr freundlich, sehr um die Zufriedenheit der Gäste bemüht, tolles Programm.

 Petra P. on 04/17/2022

Offer with get2card, great show u wonderful artists. A very nice evening, gladly again!

translated from german - show original
Angebot mit get2card, tolle Show u wundervolle KünstlerInnen. Ein sehr schöner Abend, gerne wieder!

 Philipp E. on 02/13/2020

All staff were very friendly, the theatre was very pleasant and the show 'Out of Chaos' was very good! One was really captivated by the artists! I hope that the next show can also be visited via get2card... the reservation by phone was very easy!

translated from german - show original
Alle Mitarbeiter waren sehr freundlich, das Theater war sehr angenehm eingerichtet und die Show ,Out of Chaos' sehr gut! Man wurde richtig durch die Künstler in den Bann gezogen! Ich hoffe, dass die nächste Show auch über die get2card zu besuchen ist... die telefonische Reservierung war sehr einfach!

 Patrick D. on 08/10/2016

Great show in a great location. Highly recommended.

translated from german - show original
Großartige Show in einer tollen Location. Sehr zu empfehlen.

 Thomas S. on 03/24/2016

The show "Roots" was nice overall but not really exciting. Especially the location doesn't seem to attach much importance to a reunion of guests, otherwise there wouldn't be 5 people at a table of 4 on uncomfortable chairs, shoulder to shoulder. Rarely have I had such a feeling of being a guest as a purely economic commodity. If you really want to enjoy the rather ambitious gastronomy in this ambience, at least in terms of price, whereby there would not be enough space on the tables for several plates and glasses, you should try this as an experience, otherwise you shouldn't use the chameleon "theatre", even with get2.

translated from german - show original
Die Show "Roots" war insgesamt nett aber nicht wirklich aufregend. Insbesondere die Location scheint jedoch auf ein Wiedersehen von Gästen keinen großen Wert zu legen, ansonsten wären nicht jew. 5 Personen an einen 4er-Tisch auf unbequemen Stühlen Schulter an Schulter zusammengepfercht. Selten habe ich ein deratiges Gefühl von Gast als reine Wirtschafts-Ware gehabt. Wer in dem Ambiente tatsächlich die zumindest preislich doch recht ambitionierte Gastronomie, wobei auf den Tischen für mehrere Teller und Gläser kein ausreichender Platz wäre, genießen mag, sollte das als Erfahrung testen, ansonsten ist vom Chamäleon-"Theater" abzuraten, selbst mit get2.

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