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Sushi in Berlin

Sushi exists in the most different variations. In Germany Maki and Nigri belong to the most desired sushi in restaurants. The Nigris are translated: pressed. Maki consists of two to three ingredients, which are rolled into an algae leaf (Nori) with rice. A special speciality are Uramaki, which are rolled inside and surrounded on the outside by rice and coated with sesame seeds. Uramaki are often offered in Germany as California Roll, with the filling consisting of crab meat and avocado). Surely you have already seen in the Sushi-Bar the oval bites of chatty algae leaves, which are filled with rice and garnished with plenty of fish roe. Your name is Gunkan-Maki. If you're lucky, you'll find a sushi restaurant where Sasa is served. This is a filling wrapped in a bamboo leaf, which is opened and additionally garnished before consumption.
You will always be served Gari (very thinly sliced ginger slices which are pickled sweet and sour and are supposed to neutralise the taste after eating the individual sushi varieties), Wasabi (a horseradish from Japan which impresses with its green colour and above all with its spiciness - beware!) and soy sauce as side dishes in sushi restaurants. It is a European bad habit to dip the rice rolls into the soy sauce!

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