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Concerts in Berlin
Club concertse and nightlife concerts are very popular and always well attended in Berlin! The offer is of course just as extensive as the number of clubs in the city. From the established band to the newcomer to the exotic insider tip, every night countless artists and bands wander through the clubs and bars of the city. Around one hundred locations are estimated in the nights around the weekend and before holidays. The list ranges from A for ACUD to Z for Zebrano. And the huge offer is not just about clubs and stages in the city centre. Hipp is what pleases, where you can chill or meet your favorite band. You have the choice between TOP 10 and Underground. Please consider when making your decision whether there is a dress code or not! In Berlin everything is possible, but some clubs expect a certain appearance!
Berlin is known to NEVER sleep and so it is impossible not to find a suitable location to listen to, dance and celebrate music with this offer.
Parallel to the clubs and bars that have emerged in recent years - mainly in the Neue Mitte and the trendy scene districts - there are of course also a large number of locations from long before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Egal, which club, bar or party location you choose, a great atmosphere into the morning hours is guaranteed!
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