Wintergarten Varieté: 90s FOREVER - Hits & Acrobatics PK1

Wintergarten Varieté, Potsdamer Straße 96, 10785 Berlin, Tiergarten

Tickets 2for1 When: 01 - 06 September 2023

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This offer is already fully booked.

Mad Magic - the name says it all!

A lot of amazing magic, a nice dose of acrobatics - and a whole lot of crazy are the ingredients of the new magic show at Wintergarten Berlin. Weird birds, strong-character women and some of the best magicians in the world make up the cast of this brand-new production.

Sarcastic moderation, surreal moments and optical illusions combine with world-class artistry, avant-garde juggling and a large dose of humor to create a unique spectacle.
Mad Magic - the somewhat different magic show at the Wintergarten!


"MAD MAGIC - The Crazy Variety Show"


Price category 1

Friday, September 01, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Sunday, September 03, 2023 at 18:00

Tuesday, September 05, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Wednesday, September 06, 2023 at 8:00 pm


There is no entitlement to specific seats. Seat selection will be made by the theater.

Tickets can only be picked up on the day of the event from 2h before the show starts.


Mad Magic - the name says it all!

A lot of amazing magic, a nice dose of acrobatics - and a whole lot of crazy are the ingredients of the new magic show at Wintergarten Berlin. Weird birds, strong-character women and some of the best magicians in the world make up the cast of this brand-new production.

Sarcastic moderation, surreal moments and optical illusions combine with world-class artistry, avant-garde juggling and a large dose of humor to create a unique spectacle.
Mad Magic - the somewhat different magic show at the Wintergarten!


"MAD MAGIC - The Crazy Variety Show"


Price category 1

Friday, September 01, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Sunday, September 03, 2023 at 18:00

Tuesday, September 05, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Wednesday, September 06, 2023 at 8:00 pm


There is no entitlement to specific seats. Seat selection will be made by the theater.

Tickets can only be picked up on the day of the event from 2h before the show starts.


Info: Wintergarten Varieté

Music, vaudeville, show - entertaining, charming and varied! Whether Meret Becker or the Tiger Lillies, Max Raabe or Eckart von Hirschhausen, whether newcomer or international stars of the vaudeville scene: here the world meets in the unique atmosphere of mirrors, wood, dark red velvet and the legendary starry sky. The "most beautiful Varieté in Europe", "Jewel of Varietés", "Berlin's probably most beautiful theatre"....


17 Ratings
 Gabriele N. on 05/17/2023

Everything worked out great with the get2 card. We got a great seat and had a great time. It was a great evening with excellent performances and great music. Great program with great artists.

translated from german - show original
Es hat alles prima mit der get2 Karte geklappt. Wir hatten einen super Platz bekommen und uns bestens amüsiert. Es war ein toller Abend mit hervorragenden Darbietungen und toller Musik. Tolles Programm mit tollen Künstlern.

 Beatrix S. on 08/11/2021

The Get2Card was accepted flawlessly and we had a great evening. The show is awesome.

translated from german - show original
Die Get2Card wurde einwandfrei akzeptiert und wir hatten einen tollen Abend. Die Show ist der Hammer.

 Anke B. on 10/07/2019

Reservation worked fine. Super nice staff. The show must have been seen. Thank you for a very nice, entertaining evening.

translated from german - show original
Reservierung hat problemlos funktioniert. Super nettes Personal. Die Show muss man gesehen haben. Danke für den sehr schönen, kurzweiligen Abend

 Carola K. on 09/21/2018

The reservation for the card worked perfectly. We had a really nice evening. What more could you ask for?

translated from german - show original
Die Reservierung für die Karte hat einwandfrei funktioniert. Wir hatten einen ausgesprochen netten Abend. Was will man mehr?

 Ginette B. on 07/20/2017

"SAYONARA TOKYO" - what a great show! The winter garden for its 25th birthday really has something very special on its feet. Colourful costumes, music that everyone knows and encourages to clap along, great voices & acrobats and lots of surprise moments - we are totally thrilled. There was singing, dancing, yodelling, moderating... everything from manga to lederhosen. Yes and then the breathtaking scenery. You have the feeling of sometimes being part of the show yourself, colourful and simply spectacular. So go there - tell a friend / recommend - and enjoy a very special evening - it's really worth it!

translated from german - show original
"SAYONARA TOKYO" - was für eine großartige Show! Da hat der Wintergarten zu seinem 25. Geburtstag wirklich etwas ganz besonderes auf die Beine gestellt. Farbenfrohe Kostüme, Musik die jeder kennt und zum mitklatschen animiert, tolle Stimmen & Akrobaten und ganz viele Überraschungsmomente - wir sind total begeistert. Da wurde gesungen, getanzt, gejodelt, moderiert... es ist einfach alles dabei, vom Manga bis hin zur Lederhose. Ja und dann erst die atemberaubende Kulisse/Bühnenbild. Man hat das Gefühl, manchmal selbst Teil der Show zu sein, farbenprächtig und einfach spektakulär. Also hingehen - weitersagen /empfehlen - und einen ganz besonderen Abend genießen - es lohnt sich wirklich!

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