Märkischer Lamahof: Hiking with llamas and alpacas
Märkischer Lamahof, Freiherr-von-Loeben-Straße 2, 15749 Mittenwalde

Lama-/Alpaka-Tours 2for1
Anyone can lead a Lama! Discover a new form of peace and tranquillity in nature!
To walk with llamas doesn't just mean that you can enjoy the path without any worries - free from the loads that the pack animal carries. It also means experiencing the peace and serenity that a llama radiates when running and the obvious satisfaction that is transferred to the hiker.
Lamas' attention to every detail of the environment and their referral to the companion, their interest in what is happening around them and their insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm make a tour with these animals a very special, rewarding and unique experience.
Participation fee is due regardless of whether a Lama/Alpaka is operated or not.
Every animal you want to keep must be paid extra and is
not part of the 2for1 offer.
Anyone can lead a Lama! Discover a new form of peace and tranquillity in nature!
To walk with llamas doesn't just mean that you can enjoy the path without any worries - free from the loads that the pack animal carries. It also means experiencing the peace and serenity that a llama radiates when running and the obvious satisfaction that is transferred to the hiker.
Lamas' attention to every detail of the environment and their referral to the companion, their interest in what is happening around them and their insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm make a tour with these animals a very special, rewarding and unique experience.
Participation fee is due regardless of whether a Lama/Alpaka is operated or not.
Every animal you want to keep must be paid extra and is
not part of the 2for1 offer.
Info: Märkischer Lamahof
In Schenkendorf you will find the farm with llamas and alpacas. The Lamahof is home to the largest herd of lambs in East Germany. The breeding is successful and today numerous other animals live south of Berlin. It all started in 1994 in the USA, where the owner Anita Selig-Smith spent a year in New England and for the first time really came into contact with a Lama breeding farm. She has an education in lama posture and lama training.
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