TD Berlin, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin, Mitte
Tickets 2for1 When: March 01 & 02, 2025
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by Brigitte Reimann / Elina Finkel
The writer Brigitte Reimann kept a meticulous diary until her early death in 1973. These very personal, sometimes intimate notes could only be published after 1989.
In them, she writes honestly and movingly about professional and private, political and artistic matters, providing an insight into the thoughts of a young woman in the GDR of the 1950s and 1960s who struggled with herself and the reality surrounding her.
Brigitte Reimann led an uncompromising life and always strove for absolute honesty, both towards herself and others. Her revealing, profound and, from today's perspective, very modern texts open up a cosmos that goes far beyond mere contemporary documentation.
Her diaries tell stories of resistance and failure. And her most private feelings also find their place: "I cannot live without this euphoric intoxication of a new love with its pain, deceit and self-deception."
The search for a political home, for success in her career, her flights of fancy and doubts about her own talent are just as relevant today as her inner rebellion against bureaucracy, hypocrisy and patriarchal power structures. Her texts are the testimony of a woman who places herself at the center of her life and always thinks about and critically reflects on the social and political conditions surrounding her - a counter-draft to today's superficiality.
by Brigitte Reimann / Elina Finkel
01 & 02 March 2025 at 20:00
by Brigitte Reimann / Elina Finkel
The writer Brigitte Reimann kept a meticulous diary until her early death in 1973. These very personal, sometimes intimate notes could only be published after 1989.
In them, she writes honestly and movingly about professional and private, political and artistic matters, providing an insight into the thoughts of a young woman in the GDR of the 1950s and 1960s who struggled with herself and the reality surrounding her.
Brigitte Reimann led an uncompromising life and always strove for absolute honesty, both towards herself and others. Her revealing, profound and, from today's perspective, very modern texts open up a cosmos that goes far beyond mere contemporary documentation.
Her diaries tell stories of resistance and failure. And her most private feelings also find their place: "I cannot live without this euphoric intoxication of a new love with its pain, deceit and self-deception."
The search for a political home, for success in her career, her flights of fancy and doubts about her own talent are just as relevant today as her inner rebellion against bureaucracy, hypocrisy and patriarchal power structures. Her texts are the testimony of a woman who places herself at the center of her life and always thinks about and critically reflects on the social and political conditions surrounding her - a counter-draft to today's superficiality.
by Brigitte Reimann / Elina Finkel
01 & 02 March 2025 at 20:00
Info: TD Berlin
The TD Berlin (formerly Theaterdiscounter) is a theater in the center of the city, centrally located between Alexanderplatz and the Spree River. The program includes a weekly changing program of new productions and performances with reference to current social issues. TD Berlin invites its audience* to well over 30 different theater works and related formats each year.
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