Theater am Frankfurter Tor: What's all the fuss about

Theater am Frankfurter Tor, Karl-Marx-Allee 133, 10243 Berlin, Friedrichshain

Tickets 2for1 When: April 12, 2024

Book appointment: First select date and time, then click on reserve.

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Does it have to be that they are now ... ?

Yes, it has to be! Alice Köfer, the wife of the boy band "Vocal Recall", is going solo. She doesn't yet know herself how the evening will end, but one thing is certain: in her charming Berliner style, she will talk her head off in a sensationally cheerful manner.
Sometimes inadvertently philosophical, sometimes hilariously empty of meaning, Alice will address the really important questions in life: Why are there five burger restaurants on my street? When does windfall fruit become dead? Is it still worth having a nice signature today? And why do I always remember the wrong things?
Of course, there will be plenty of songs in a wild mixture of destructive love lyrics and garage-style stadium pop. Roaring along is expressly encouraged!


"Alice auf Anfang"

with Alice Köfer

April 12, 2024 at 8:00 pm

Does it have to be that they are now ... ?

Yes, it has to be! Alice Köfer, the wife of the boy band "Vocal Recall", is going solo. She doesn't yet know herself how the evening will end, but one thing is certain: in her charming Berliner style, she will talk her head off in a sensationally cheerful manner.
Sometimes inadvertently philosophical, sometimes hilariously empty of meaning, Alice will address the really important questions in life: Why are there five burger restaurants on my street? When does windfall fruit become dead? Is it still worth having a nice signature today? And why do I always remember the wrong things?
Of course, there will be plenty of songs in a wild mixture of destructive love lyrics and garage-style stadium pop. Roaring along is expressly encouraged!


"Alice auf Anfang"

with Alice Köfer

April 12, 2024 at 8:00 pm

Info: Theater am Frankfurter Tor

Johannes Hallervorden took over as artistic director of the Thater am Frankfurter Tor in June 2023. The theater offers space for 99 spectators. The accompanying bar invites you to linger over a drink and chat about the event. The varied program of events includes cabaret, comedy, theater, readings and concerts.

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