TIPI AM KANZLERAMT Berlin: Starbugs Comedy SHOWTIME! - PK 1
TIPI AM KANZLERAMT, Große Querallee ., 10557 Berlin, Mitte
Tickets 2for1 When: April 21 & 22, 2022
Book appointment: First select date and time, then click on reserve.
Verbindliche Reservierung über get2app oder get2Card.de erforderlich. Telefonische Reservierungen werden nicht akzeptiert! Sie bekommen per Mail eine Reservierungsnummer. Das Angebot wird nur bei Vorlage dieser Nummer gewährt!
ENNIO - The Living Paper Cartoon - Vol. 2!
ENNIO is the master of the great show illusion and a paper tiger of a special class. He thrills his audience with flying costume changes to the rousing grandiose soundtrack. It just flutters, because his costumes are flat and made of paper. But they have more than a false bottom: with clever folding techniques, he transforms himself in seconds, from Zarah Leander to Marlene Dietrich to Nina Hagen. German diva history in a few minutes.
And there's a surprise: after years of discretion in his incredible art of transformation, Ennio lifts the curtain a little in Vol. 2 and lets his audience in on the secret of his nimble costume changes.
The Living Paper Cartoon - Vol. 2
April 21 & 22, 2022 |
20:00 |
ENNIO - The Living Paper Cartoon - Vol. 2!
ENNIO is the master of the great show illusion and a paper tiger of a special class. He thrills his audience with flying costume changes to the rousing grandiose soundtrack. It just flutters, because his costumes are flat and made of paper. But they have more than a false bottom: with clever folding techniques, he transforms himself in seconds, from Zarah Leander to Marlene Dietrich to Nina Hagen. German diva history in a few minutes.
And there's a surprise: after years of discretion in his incredible art of transformation, Ennio lifts the curtain a little in Vol. 2 and lets his audience in on the secret of his nimble costume changes.
The Living Paper Cartoon - Vol. 2
April 21 & 22, 2022 |
20:00 |
If you want to experience Georgette Dee, Gayle Tufts, Tim Fischer or Ullrich Tukur in an excitingly curved chapiteau with chandeliers and small round bistro tables: let's go to the tipi at the Chancellery! Whether chanson, cabaret, vaudeville, dance, artistry or musical comedy - renowned artists present intelligent entertainment and a programme for the highest demands. Your physical well-being is also taken care of.
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