Pema-Reisen: Day trip to Leipzig Zoo with Gondwanaland

Abfahrt: Messedamm gegenüber IBIS Hotel und ZOB, Messedamm 10, 14057 Berlin, Charlottenburg

Day tour 2for1 When: March 18, 2025

Book appointment: First select date and time, then click on reserve.

Verbindliche Reservierung über get2app oder erforderlich. Telefonische Reservierungen werden nicht akzeptiert! Sie bekommen per Mail eine Reservierungsnummer. Das Angebot wird nur bei Vorlage dieser Nummer gewährt!

Spring awakening at Lake Zechlin with a gourmet buffet at the Hotel Gutenmorgen.

The coach takes you from Berlin in the direction of Rheinsberg to Flecken Zechlin. In the cozy country inn not far from Lake Zechlin, you will enjoy an extensive spring buffet. There is something for everyone: soups, various salads, schnitzel, roast pike fillet, roast venison from the Zechlin forests, colorful vegetables as well as dumplings, chips and potatoes. Put together your own ice cream creation at the ice cream van. Soft drinks, beer and wine are also included. After a good meal, take a short walk to the lake or relax in the green relaxation area of the country inn.

Then continue by bus to Rheinsberg Castle Park. Find out more about Frederick II, who spent the best years of his life here during his time as crown prince, as he remarked in retrospect. Marvel at the park and the colorful spring flowers before setting off on the return journey to Berlin.Important: Prior registration is required for participation.

Per email:

By telephone: (030) 13 00 98 70


Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Departure: 09:00 a.m.

The journey starts & ends at the corner of Messedamm and Neue Kantstr. (opposite Ibis Hotel and ZOB)

Other departure points: Blaschkoallee (underground station), Ullsteinstr. (next to Ullsteinhaus), Tegel, An der Mühle (BVG bus parking lot) - please inform yourself on the organizer's website.


Price incl. bus trip, tour guide, extensive spring buffet incl. drinks, Rheinsberg park walk.


Spring awakening at Lake Zechlin with a gourmet buffet at the Hotel Gutenmorgen.

The coach takes you from Berlin in the direction of Rheinsberg to Flecken Zechlin. In the cozy country inn not far from Lake Zechlin, you will enjoy an extensive spring buffet. There is something for everyone: soups, various salads, schnitzel, roast pike fillet, roast venison from the Zechlin forests, colorful vegetables as well as dumplings, chips and potatoes. Put together your own ice cream creation at the ice cream van. Soft drinks, beer and wine are also included. After a good meal, take a short walk to the lake or relax in the green relaxation area of the country inn.

Then continue by bus to Rheinsberg Castle Park. Find out more about Frederick II, who spent the best years of his life here during his time as crown prince, as he remarked in retrospect. Marvel at the park and the colorful spring flowers before setting off on the return journey to Berlin.Important: Prior registration is required for participation.

Per email:

By telephone: (030) 13 00 98 70


Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Departure: 09:00 a.m.

The journey starts & ends at the corner of Messedamm and Neue Kantstr. (opposite Ibis Hotel and ZOB)

Other departure points: Blaschkoallee (underground station), Ullsteinstr. (next to Ullsteinhaus), Tegel, An der Mühle (BVG bus parking lot) - please inform yourself on the organizer's website.


Price incl. bus trip, tour guide, extensive spring buffet incl. drinks, Rheinsberg park walk.


Info: Pema-Reisen

The agency Pema offers you extremely varied city tours, day trips and multi-day trips. Travelling by bus is a convenient way to visit a museum, visit a music event or simply get to know a beautiful city and other people in one day. All offered trips take place in comfort coaches with personal tour guide. The required tickets will be organised for you.


5 Ratings
 Klaus S. on 03/12/2020

It was once again a successful day trip with Mrs. Wolf. Hut fun and palate feast have us, we were four of us, very well liked. The food was delicious. The following walk around the Baasee was impressive and in a very relaxed way instructive. Many thanks to Mrs. Wolf for this beautiful day.

translated from german - show original
Es war wieder einmal eine eine gelungene Tagesfahrt mit Frau Wolf. Hüttenspaß und Gaumenschmaus haben uns, wir waren zu viert, sehr gut gefallen. Das Essen war lecker. Der anschließende Spaziergang rund um den Baasee war eindrucksvoll und auf eine sehr lockere Art lehrreich. Vielen Dank Frau Wolf für diesen schönen Tag.

 Marion B. on 02/24/2019

 Carsten R. on 10/02/2018

Day trip "Enjoying wine in Lower Silesia
An excellently organized day trip during which we will discover the Polish town of Zielona Gora and a very beautiful winery. In the vineyard there was a great 3-course menu, of course with own wine. Finally we could visit the impressive Jesus figure in Schwiebus.
Mrs. Wolf takes wonderful care of her customers, we drove in a comfortable bus and were very well looked after.
Excursions with Pema trips are highly recommended and we would always go on a journey of discovery again.

translated from german - show original
Tagesfahrt „Weingenuss in Niederschlesien“
Eine hervorragend organisierte Tagesfahrt bei der wir die polnische Stadt Zielona Gora und ein sehr schönes Weingut entdecken dürften. Im Weingut gab es ein tolles 3-Gänge Menü, natürlich mit eigenem Wein. Zum Abschluss konnten wir noch die beeindruckende Jesus-Figur in Schwiebus besichtigen.
Frau Wolf kümmert sich wunderbar um ihre Kunden, wir sind in einem komfortablen Bus gefahren und wurden sehr gut versorgt.
Die Ausflüge mit Pema-Reisen sind sehr zu empfehlen und wir würden jederzeit wieder mit auf Entdeckungsreise gehen.

 Eva S. on 02/25/2018

Today's day trip Reichstag with Sunday brunch was a success from start to finish. Everything was just right. Many thanks to Mrs Wolf for a successful Sunday. Klaus and Eva

translated from german - show original
Die heutige Tagesfahrt Reichstag mit Sonntagsbrunch war von vorne bis hinten gelungen. Es hat einfach alles gestimmt. Vielen Dank Frau Wolf für diesen gelungenen Sonntag. Klaus und Eva

 Roswitha S. on 09/25/2017

We made a day trip to the Brocken with our Get2 map with Pema Reisen (a few acquaintances were also on the way). It was all very well organized. Mrs. Wolf has taken good care of everything. We all liked it very much. In the meantime we have already registered our next day trip with Pema Reisen. Schirmer family and friends

translated from german - show original
Wir haben durch unsere Get2 Karte mit Pema Reisen eine Tagesfahrt zum Brocken gemacht (ein paar Bekannte waren auch gleich mit unterwegs). Es war alles sehr gut organisiert. Frau Wolf hat sich um alles gut gekümmert. Es hat uns allen sehr gut gefallen. Inzwischen haben wir schon unsere nächste Tagesfahrt bei Pema Reisen angemeldet. Fam. Schirmer und Bekannte

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