Asia Restaurant Sonne: Far Eastern specialities

Asia Restaurant Sonne, Neue Kantstraße 16, 14057 Berlin, Charlottenburg

Asian main courses à la carte 2for1

A piece of Asian culture of a special kind and dishes from pots of Far Eastern cuisine!

As main course you can choose between dishes with pork, chicken, beef, duck, fish or prawns. Of course there are also vegetarian dishes on the menu. Also highly recommended are all specialties from the fire pot and dishes served on the hot cast iron plate.

For all small guests there is a special children's menu. Different desserts sweeten your visit in the "sun".



A piece of Asian culture of a special kind and dishes from pots of Far Eastern cuisine!

As main course you can choose between dishes with pork, chicken, beef, duck, fish or prawns. Of course there are also vegetarian dishes on the menu. Also highly recommended are all specialties from the fire pot and dishes served on the hot cast iron plate.

For all small guests there is a special children's menu. Different desserts sweeten your visit in the "sun".



Info: Asia Restaurant Sonne

The popular Asian restaurant now presents itself again at its new location with an extensive range of dishes. With its atmospheric and stylish ambience, the restaurant also convinces with its furnishings and welcomes you with the usual hospitality. Enjoy the diverse Asian specialities, prepared with good and fresh ingredients and served by the professional service team.


15 Ratings
 Sabine S. on 02/17/2025

Unfortunately, the Get2Card was not accepted on Valentine's Day, although there were enough tables free. A note in the app that the restaurant recognizes this as a holiday would have been nice.
We ate anyway and it was very tasty. The cuisine seems to be authentic. Many Chinese also eat here. However, you don't sit comfortably.

translated from german - show original
Leider wurde die Get2Card an Valentinstag nicht akzeptiert, obwohl genügend Tische frei waren. Ein Hinweis in der App dazu, daß das Restaurant dies als Feiertag wertet, wäre schön gewesen.
Wir aßen trotzdem und es war sehr lecker. Die Küche scheint authentisch zu sein. Hier essen auch viele Chinesen. Man sitzt allerdings nicht gemütlich.

 Andreas B. on 06/10/2024

The ambience is not so inviting at first. But the service is all the more cordial. The selection of dishes and, above all, the quality is very good. Attention: spicy is spicy here!!!!! M&A

translated from german - show original
Das Ambiente ist erstmal nicht so einladend. Der Service aber umso herzlicher. Die Auswahl an Gerichten und vor allem die Qualität sehr gut . Achtung: scharf ist hier scharf!!!!! M&A

 Andreas B. on 06/09/2024

 Sabine T. on 05/21/2024

Due to the good reviews, we made our way to the offer on Whit Monday, 20.05.24. We were turned away at 17:00 with the get2Card, even though the restaurant's occupancy rate was low. The reason given was that the offer does not apply on public holidays. Unfortunately, this is not noted in the conditions on the get2Card.
S. Tietje get2 comments: We apologize very much for the inconvenience. We have corrected the error in the conditions and added the public holidays.

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Aufgrund der guten Bewertungen haben wir uns am Pfingstmontag, den 20.05.24 auf den Weg zum Angebot gemacht. Wir wurden um 17:00 Uhr mit der get2Card abgewiesen, obwohl die Auslastung des Restaurants gering war. Mit der Begründung, dass das Angebot an Feiertagen nicht gilt. Leider ist dies bei den Konditionen auf der get2Card nicht vermerkt.
S. Tietje get2 kommentiert: Wir entschuldigen uns vielmals für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Wir haben den Fehler in den Konditionen korrigiert und die Feiertage nachgetragen.

 Petra P. on 05/05/2024

Very tasty, the service is very nice!

translated from german - show original
Sehr lecker, der Service ist sehr nett!

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