La Cantina Rosso: Pizza, pasta and more
La Cantina Rosso , Lietzenburger Straße 83, 10719 Berlin, Charlottenburg

Italian main courses 2for1
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Pizza and Pasta, Carne and Pesco, Antipasto and Zuppa, Insalata and Dolce!
LA CANTINA ROSSO offers you daily a large selection of salads, pizza and pasta dishes, as well as meat and fish specialities. All dishes are prepared only with fresh and best raw products. The pizzas come crispy baked from the original stone oven on the table, every meat and fish dish is served with rosemary potatoes. Salad or marinated vegetables are also available.
Pizza and Pasta, Carne and Pesco, Antipasto and Zuppa, Insalata and Dolce!
LA CANTINA ROSSO offers you daily a large selection of salads, pizza and pasta dishes, as well as meat and fish specialities. All dishes are prepared only with fresh and best raw products. The pizzas come crispy baked from the original stone oven on the table, every meat and fish dish is served with rosemary potatoes. Salad or marinated vegetables are also available.
Info: La Cantina Rosso
The Ristorante LA CANTINA ROSSO was opened as a real Italian family business and offers you, besides the typical dishes of the country, also the wonderful Italian lifestyle and the warm hospitality. Enjoy the excellent food, the crispy pizzas from the stone oven and the excellent wines in an extremely pleasant and stylish ambience that conveys Italian flair.
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