DISTEL Kabarett-Theater: The PAIN therapy - PK 1

DISTEL Kabarett-Theater , Friedrichstraße 101, 10117 Berlin, Mitte

Tickets 2for1 When: February 26, 2025

Book appointment: First select date and time, then click on reserve.

Verbindliche Reservierung über get2app oder get2Card.de erforderlich. Telefonische Reservierungen werden nicht akzeptiert! Sie bekommen per Mail eine Reservierungsnummer. Das Angebot wird nur bei Vorlage dieser Nummer gewährt!

Until someone cries - perhaps the therapist.

This is a strong piece of work by the voters! How can a government be formed from this election result? Sure, Groko always works! But even that hasn't often run smoothly in the past.How can we govern together if the culture of debate in the upper house is subterranean? The President of the Bundestag sentences three MPs to detention. Listening, exercises in trust, putting themselves in the shoes of their political opponents. After all, the new government is supposed to be a love match and not a forced marriage. But who can work with whom? Groko, Jamaica, Schwampel or blackberry coalition - what color schemes are possible in the newly elected Bundestag? Are the firewalls made of concrete or lightweight construction?

In SchMERZtherapie, politicians, service staff, presenters and historical figures come together to debate and sound out who is friend and who is foe. At some point, time even runs backwards.


"The PAIN Therapy"


Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 7:30 pm

Until someone cries - perhaps the therapist.

This is a strong piece of work by the voters! How can a government be formed from this election result? Sure, Groko always works! But even that hasn't often run smoothly in the past.How can we govern together if the culture of debate in the upper house is subterranean? The President of the Bundestag sentences three MPs to detention. Listening, exercises in trust, putting themselves in the shoes of their political opponents. After all, the new government is supposed to be a love match and not a forced marriage. But who can work with whom? Groko, Jamaica, Schwampel or blackberry coalition - what color schemes are possible in the newly elected Bundestag? Are the firewalls made of concrete or lightweight construction?

In SchMERZtherapie, politicians, service staff, presenters and historical figures come together to debate and sound out who is friend and who is foe. At some point, time even runs backwards.


"The PAIN Therapy"


Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 7:30 pm

Info: DISTEL Kabarett-Theater

The prickly DISTEL entertains with pointed humor. It's teased, ridiculed, dissected, torn, hot off the press. Whether sketch, solo number, sarcastic song: with wittily witty programs, the DISTEL provides for famous pleasure. The richly-formed play is the trademark. First-class classical cabaret is offered at the nerve of the time! The proximity to the Reichstag and the Chancellery is an incentive to be the sharp "sting on the seat of government".


8 Ratings
 Jessica W. on 10/06/2019

"Saving the world for beginners"... Quite worth seeing! Great implementation, entertaining story... However, the live music was sometimes louder than the vocals, which is why the lyrics could not always be understood.

translated from german - show original
"Weltretten für Anfänger"... Durchaus sehenswert! Tolle Umsetzung, kurzweilige Story... Allerdings war die Live-Musik teils lauter als der Gesang,weshalb der Text nicht immer verstanden werden konnte.

 Adriane K. on 02/09/2017

Yesterday we went to the performance "Einmal Deutschland für alle" and we liked it very much. It was a super nice evening and therefore 5 stars. Really worth seeing.

translated from german - show original
Wir waren gestern zur Aufführung "Einmal Deutschland für alle" und es hat uns sehr gut gefallen.Es war ein super schöner Abend und deshalb 5 Sterne.Wirklich sehenswert.

 Ginette B. on 11/15/2016

We watched "This is the summit." Great job, one of the best pieces we saw in that thistle. I guarantee you'll go a second time. Super, super, super!

translated from german - show original
Wir haben "Das ist der Gipfel" angeschaut. Toll gemacht, eines der besten Stücke, die wir in der Distel gesehen haben. Gehen garantiert noch ein zweites Mal hin. Super, super, super!

 Andrea D. on 11/02/2016

This is really the summit: one of the best, most entertaining and up-to-date programmes of the Distel! Great performance from Saxony to Trump, from Greece to Brussels - everything perfectly staged! Bravo!!!

translated from german - show original
Das ist wirklich der Gipfel: eines der besten, kurzweiligsten und aktuell-bissigsten Programme der Distel! Ganz große Performance vom Sachsen bis Trump, von Griechenland bis Brüssel - alles perfekt inszeniert! Bravo!!!

 Ginette B. on 05/27/2016

"Where to go with Mommy" is absolutely worth seeing - great actors and great seats with get2Card. We're going to see another play too!

translated from german - show original
"Wohin mit Mutti" ist absolut sehenswert - tolle Schauspieler und super Plätze mit get2Card. Wir werden uns auch noch ein anderes Stück ansehen!

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