BERLIN RECYCLING Volleys: Home match season 2024/2025

BERLIN RECYCLING Volleys , Falkplatz 1, 10437 Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg

Tickets 2for1 When: Home match dates 2022/23

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Experience the volleyball temple live!

Welcome to Europe's temple of volleyball! Here, where the twelve-time German champion BR Volleys serves, top sporting performance and tingling atmosphere merge into a unique event. Feel the tremors live in the Max-Schmeling-Halle and experience Germany's most successful volleyball team of the last decade up close. It awaits you VOLLEYBALL NEXT LEVEL!

The reigning champions will thrill spectators at the arena in Prenzlauer Berg with spectacular flying moves and hard-hitting attacks. The volleyball players, whose home club is the Sport-Club Charlottenburg, are once again on the hunt for titles and will compete in three competitions. With the support of the Berlin public, the BR Volleys want to inspire in the Volleyball Bundesliga, the DVV Cup and the CEV Champions League. In doing so, the spark jumps to up to 8,553 spectators in the volleyball temple.

Convince yourself of the unmistakable atmosphere!



Sunday, October 16, 2022       17:30         VfB Friedrichshafen
Saturday, October 22,2002       17:30         WWK Volleys Herrsching
Saturday, November 12,2022       17:30         Helios Grizzly Giesen
Saturday, December 10,2022       17:30         TSV Haching Munich
Tuesday December 13, 2022       19:30         Halkbank Ankara


Wednesday, 04January2023       19:00PM         SVG Lüneburg
Saturday, 07 January 2023       17:30         Energy net hoppers
Wednesday, January 18, 2023       19:30         SWD Düren
Friday, January 20, 2023       18:00         VC Olympia Berlin
Saturday, January 28, 2023       17:30         United Volleys Frankfurt


Please refer to the current
Hygiene and access regulations at:


Experience the volleyball temple live!

Welcome to Europe's temple of volleyball! Here, where the twelve-time German champion BR Volleys serves, top sporting performance and tingling atmosphere merge into a unique event. Feel the tremors live in the Max-Schmeling-Halle and experience Germany's most successful volleyball team of the last decade up close. It awaits you VOLLEYBALL NEXT LEVEL!

The reigning champions will thrill spectators at the arena in Prenzlauer Berg with spectacular flying moves and hard-hitting attacks. The volleyball players, whose home club is the Sport-Club Charlottenburg, are once again on the hunt for titles and will compete in three competitions. With the support of the Berlin public, the BR Volleys want to inspire in the Volleyball Bundesliga, the DVV Cup and the CEV Champions League. In doing so, the spark jumps to up to 8,553 spectators in the volleyball temple.

Convince yourself of the unmistakable atmosphere!



Sunday, October 16, 2022       17:30         VfB Friedrichshafen
Saturday, October 22,2002       17:30         WWK Volleys Herrsching
Saturday, November 12,2022       17:30         Helios Grizzly Giesen
Saturday, December 10,2022       17:30         TSV Haching Munich
Tuesday December 13, 2022       19:30         Halkbank Ankara


Wednesday, 04January2023       19:00PM         SVG Lüneburg
Saturday, 07 January 2023       17:30         Energy net hoppers
Wednesday, January 18, 2023       19:30         SWD Düren
Friday, January 20, 2023       18:00         VC Olympia Berlin
Saturday, January 28, 2023       17:30         United Volleys Frankfurt


Please refer to the current
Hygiene and access regulations at:



In the current decade, the Berlin Recycling Volleys have developed into one of the most renowned volleyball clubs in Europe. Since 2012 alone, the SCC Berlin volleyball pros have collected a total of thirteen trophies in the German Championship, the DVV Cup as well as the European Cup and have even been among the best four teams in the CEV Champions League twice.


4 Ratings
 Sofie F. on 12/04/2019

 Eleonore F. on 11/29/2017

I was today on 29.11.2017 with a friend to the home game BR Volleys -Alpenvolleys Hachingen.
It was a great game, but most of all... our "German Champion" won.
Thanks for the top cards.

translated from german - show original
Ich war heute am 29.11.2017 mit einer Freundin zum Heimspiel BR Volleys -Alpenvolleys Hachingen.
Es war ein super Spiel, aber vor allem.... unseren „Deutschen Meister“ haben gewonnen.
Danke für die Spitzen Karten.

 Roman B. on 02/01/2016

Was really great and made fun without end. Worth it :)

translated from german - show original
War echt super und hat Spaß ohne Ende gemacht. Lohnt sich :)

 Evelyn H. on 01/31/2011

It was our first time at volleyball and we were enthusiastic and certainly not the last time at SCC.
Excitement until the last ball and super atmosphere. Also a sports event for the whole family.
There were no problems with the get2card at the checkout. The nice cashier immediately knew.
PS. and the SCC also won.

translated from german - show original
Wir waren das 1. Mal beim Volleyball und waren begeistert und bestimmt nicht zum letzten Mal beim SCC.
Spannung bis zum letzten Ball und Super Stimmung. Auch ein Sportevent für die ganze Familie.
Mit der get2card gab es an der Kasse keine Probleme. Die nette Kassiererin wusste sofort Bescheid.
PS. und der SCC hat auch gewonnen.

Die BERLIN RECYCLING Volleys sind eine der erfolgreichsten und renommiertesten deutschen Volleyball-Mannschaften und genießen europaweit einen hervorragenden Ruf! Der Heimatverein der BR Volleys ist der Sport-Club Charlottenburg. Seit über einem Jahrzehnt zählen die BERLIN RECYCLING Volleys zu den sportlichen Aushängeschildern Berlins. Einzigartig ist die Stimmung bei den Heimspielen in Deutschlands "Volleyballtempel", der Max-Schmeling-Halle.

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