TD Berlin, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin, Mitte
Tickets 2for1 When: Oct. 12 & 13, 2024
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by Fanny Brunner and Vivienne Causemann
"I can tell pretty quickly whether someone is anorexic." King Kong Vivienne talks relentlessly openly about the path out of an eating disorder, slips into a gorilla costume and sings pointedly against the patriarchy. With great enthusiasm, she performs self-empowering strategies and possibilities of rebellion that she has developed for herself. An emancipatory par force ride through the struggle and survival of being a woman in the 21st century.
Who am I and how do I want to be? With biting humor, actress Causemann confronts the challenge of self-images and images of others in a time striving for individualism. In a conversational tone, she invites us to question the structures that restrict women in their opportunities for development and their desire. It is wonderfully absurd, for example, when she re-enacts the "Literary Quartet" with Marcel Reich-Ranicki and Sigrid Löffler about Elfriede Jelinek's novel "Lust" as a one-woman show or engages in combative debates with philosophers of all time.
by Fanny Brunner and Vivienne Causemann
October 12 & 13, 2024 at 8:00 pm
by Fanny Brunner and Vivienne Causemann
"I can tell pretty quickly whether someone is anorexic." King Kong Vivienne talks relentlessly openly about the path out of an eating disorder, slips into a gorilla costume and sings pointedly against the patriarchy. With great enthusiasm, she performs self-empowering strategies and possibilities of rebellion that she has developed for herself. An emancipatory par force ride through the struggle and survival of being a woman in the 21st century.
Who am I and how do I want to be? With biting humor, actress Causemann confronts the challenge of self-images and images of others in a time striving for individualism. In a conversational tone, she invites us to question the structures that restrict women in their opportunities for development and their desire. It is wonderfully absurd, for example, when she re-enacts the "Literary Quartet" with Marcel Reich-Ranicki and Sigrid Löffler about Elfriede Jelinek's novel "Lust" as a one-woman show or engages in combative debates with philosophers of all time.
by Fanny Brunner and Vivienne Causemann
October 12 & 13, 2024 at 8:00 pm
Info: TD Berlin
The TD Berlin (formerly Theaterdiscounter) is a theater in the center of the city, centrally located between Alexanderplatz and the Spree River. The program includes a weekly changing program of new productions and performances with reference to current social issues. TD Berlin invites its audience* to well over 30 different theater works and related formats each year.
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