Theater an der Parkaue: Young State Theatres with Old Roots

THEATER AN DER PARKAUE Junges Staatstheater Berlin , Parkaue 29, 10367 Berlin, Lichtenberg

Theatre tickets 2for1

This is a youth theatre with a long tradition!

The Theater an der Parkaue in Berlin-Lichtenberg is conveniently located on the edge of the city park, not far from the Frankfurker Tor and near the border to Friedrichshain. The Repetoire of the house is pedagogically oriented, but presents the pieces often model-like exaggerated, ironically exaggerated and far away from the real life reality of its youthful audience's.

With many premieres and repertoire pieces, you can experience here how diverse and sensual theatre can be. In every season, the house also shows interesting premieres, world premieres and productions in English.



This is a youth theatre with a long tradition!

The Theater an der Parkaue in Berlin-Lichtenberg is conveniently located on the edge of the city park, not far from the Frankfurker Tor and near the border to Friedrichshain. The Repetoire of the house is pedagogically oriented, but presents the pieces often model-like exaggerated, ironically exaggerated and far away from the real life reality of its youthful audience's.

With many premieres and repertoire pieces, you can experience here how diverse and sensual theatre can be. In every season, the house also shows interesting premieres, world premieres and productions in English.



Info: Theater an der Parkaue

The theatre is the only state theatre for young people in Germany. Since its foundation in 1950, well over 8 million spectators have visited the house. In the meantime all 3 stages have been restored, modernised and the theatre has a new splendour! Premieres and repertoire pieces show how diverse theatre can be. The theatre is an integral part of the national and international children's and youth theatre scene!


1 Rating
 Peter T. on 02/13/2012

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