Theater am Frankfurter Tor: After midnight

Theater am Frankfurter Tor, Karl-Marx-Allee 133, 10243 Berlin, Friedrichshain

Tickets 2for1 When: March 29, 2024

Book appointment: First select date and time, then click on reserve.

Verbindliche Reservierung über get2app oder erforderlich. Telefonische Reservierungen werden nicht akzeptiert! Sie bekommen per Mail eine Reservierungsnummer. Das Angebot wird nur bei Vorlage dieser Nummer gewährt!

A musical evening with Marc Rudolf!

A bitterly wicked musical evening with the songs of the grand seigneur of black chanson Georg Kreisler and the entertainer Marc Rudolf.
Marc Rudolf strings together the brilliant chanson pearls of the king of black humor, Georg Kreisler, to form a dazzling necklace, bringing the Kreislerian characters to life.

Marc Rudolf - known under the artist label MEGY B., among others - performs on German-speaking stages as a musical entertainer, presenter, actor and magician.


"Einfach Kreisler"

An evening with the songs of Georg Kreisler

29 March 2024 at 20:00



A musical evening with Marc Rudolf!

A bitterly wicked musical evening with the songs of the grand seigneur of black chanson Georg Kreisler and the entertainer Marc Rudolf.
Marc Rudolf strings together the brilliant chanson pearls of the king of black humor, Georg Kreisler, to form a dazzling necklace, bringing the Kreislerian characters to life.

Marc Rudolf - known under the artist label MEGY B., among others - performs on German-speaking stages as a musical entertainer, presenter, actor and magician.


"Einfach Kreisler"

An evening with the songs of Georg Kreisler

29 March 2024 at 20:00



Info: Theater am Frankfurter Tor

Johannes Hallervorden took over as artistic director of the Thater am Frankfurter Tor in June 2023. The theater offers space for 99 spectators. The accompanying bar invites you to linger over a drink and chat about the event. The varied program of events includes cabaret, comedy, theater, readings and concerts.

Other offers from Theater am Frankfurter Tor


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